Period: 1/12/2015 – 30/11/2017

Funding: Netherlands, in the context of Erasmus+ Programm

In the past few years radicalization towards violent extremist and terrorist positions is considered an increasing threat in the European Union. Because of recent terrorist attacks, an increase in young people who participate or sympathize with extremist groups and an increase in other forms of violence and intolerance (e.g. juvenile gangs, xenophobia, islamophobia etc.), radicalization has become a priority and a challenge on the political agenda.

The project aims to build professional capacity of first line practitioners and to foster empowerment, participation and active citizenship of young people. As regards the requirements to prevent radicalization a distinction can be made between three categories: Needs focused on professionals, needs directed to youth and needs addressed to the general population. Particular the first category is included in Ycare. The target group is Youth counsellors who are in direct contact with individuals at risk, or vulnerable groups in society.

The role of GUnet

GUnet is in charge for developing and providing the elearning platform that hosts the YCARE Toolbox and the mobile application.