Period: 9/2014 – 8/2016

Funding: EU – Erasmus+ Programm

We, as society, don’t discuss sexuality enough when considering the lives of older adults. It’s easy to assume that ageing brings dramatic changes and that sexuality is not a topic that concerns older adults to any great degree. However, everyone while becoming older understands that sexuality is an important part of life, throughout one’s lifetime.

Browsing through the compendia of Lifelong Learning projects, there is a colorful multitude of projects that have developed teaching and learning materials for seniors, but none of them refers to the fact that health care professionals cannot find information to learn more about aging and sexuality.

The IntimAge Project, attempting to cover this gap, offers, via its e-learning platform, material addressed to health care professionals who are looking to learn more on sexuality at the third age, organized in the following topics:

The role of GUnet: Developing, provision and hosting the elearning and collaboration platforms

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